Charter of International Green Campus Alliance


Charter of International Green Campus Alliance

Chapter I: General Provisions

  1. Heading In Chinese :国际绿色校园联盟(Guo Ji Lv Se Xiao Yuan Lian Meng) In English : International Green Campus Alliance Abbreviation: IGCA.
  2. Tenets and Goals The International Green Campus Alliance, IGCA hereinafter, will enhance the experience exchange, resource integration and cooperation to promote and deepen the construction and development of the green campus; and to provide technical, strategic and intelligent supports for the sustainable future. IGCA is committed to promoting the innovations, research and development, collaboration and promotion of the green technologies and efficient operations of the campus facilities; providing technical support for national and local governments in their policy making in regards of green campus construction, management and advancing; implanting green concepts into young generation.
  3. Approaches IGCA shall achieve its tenets and goals through the following approaches: a. sharing green campus development experience among the members; b. involvement in the database construction and active sharing of the best practices of the international green campus; c. joint teaching activities among the member schools; d. participating into the IGCA annual conferences; e. gaining technical supports from IGCA international expert group; f. participating the exchange visits among member schools organized by IGCA; g. receiving the case study sharing reports of the green campus; h. access to IGCA newsletters; i. other international cooperation and exchange activities 
  4. Working Language IGCA’s working languages are English and the official languages of the hosting institutes.

Chapter II: Membership

  1. Membership IGCA is constituted by primary and middle schools, universities and organizations all over the world.
  2. Member Privileges a. to participate in the activities organized by IGCA; b. to have access to the services provided by IGCA, database and privileged access to IGCA’s publications and materials; c. to propose comments, advise and supervise IGCA performances; d. to vote, elect and be elected; e. to recommend new applicants for membership; f. to exercise all other rights prescribed in this Charter and other related regulations.
  3. Member Obligations a. to abide by the provisions of this Charter and the resolutions of IGCA; b. to protect legal rights and interests of IGCA, and behave in compliance with the guild regulations formulated by IGCA ; c. to undertake and actively complete the work commissioned by IGCA; d. to pay membership dues according to the provisions of IGCA; e. to perform obligations prescribed in this Charter and other regulations; f. to actively promote IGCA and establish and effective team including a contact person.
  4. Future New Membership Under the principle of “voluntary, fair and win-win”, all primary and middle schools, universities and organizations all around the world, on behalf of their schools or organizations, can seek recommendations by IGCA founding members to apply for the membership. IGCA founding members are the schools and organizations who signed the Tenets and Charter of IGCA at IGCA’s inaugural conference. The future membership requires recommendation by IGCA founding members, The future membership will only be accepted on the condition that no more than 1/3 of all members disapprove during the publicity, besides the unanimously approval by all presidium members.

Chapter III: Organizational Structure

  1. Presidium The Presidium, the highest organizational unit in IGCA, is constituted by president, vice president, Secretary-General, and Directors of Professional Committees, to take charge of the composition and amendments of the Charter, membership approval, and the development of strategies and work plans.
  2. IGCA is chaired by one President who is responsible for the overall operation of IGCA, and several vice presidents to assist the President.
  3. The rotating Presidency of IGCA is held for 1 year by the elected presidium member and shall not exceed two consecutive terms. The new President is elected at the conference of the previous year.
  4. The Secretariat of IGCA is responsible for the daily operation of IGCA. It includes one Secretary- General and several office staff.
  5. The IGCA Professional Committees are set in accordance with IGCA ’s requirements.

Chapter IV: Asset Management and Principles for Use

  1. Financial Source of IGCA: a. Membership dues; b. Donations; c. Government grants; d. Incomes from activities and services within authorized business scopes; e. Other legal incomes.
  2. IGCA membership due is stipulated in accordance with related by-laws. All founding members of IGCA are eligible for permanent free membership. Other membership dues are charged in two ways: a. membership dues covered by enterprise sponsors as agreed IGCA, b. membership dues covered by enterprise sponsors as agreed between individual members and their corresponding enterprise sponsors. In case a member seeks sponsorship on behalf of IGCA, 30% of the sponsored sum goes to IGCA and 70% is allocated to the Member.
  3. The IGCA funds are exclusively used for the activities, programs and development within the business scopes that are prescribed in the Charter and in line with the Tenets of IGCA.
  4. Funds and assets from national funding, social donation and sponsorship is subject to the auditing supervision and open to public in the appropriate ways.
  5. No organizations or individuals have the rights to occupy, divide or misappropriate IGCA assets.

Chapter V: Supplementary

  1. The Charter is passed at the inaugural conference of IGCA.
  2. Any amendments to the Charter should be proposed by the IGCA Presidium and approved by the IGCA Conference.
  3. The final interpretation right of this Charter remains to IGCA Presidium.

Address: International Green Campus Alliance, Room 201, Wenyuan Building, Tongji university, No. 1239, Siping Road, Shanghai, China


Tel.:+86 21 65985402

Fax:+86 21 65983414